Carolyn Blake’s Blog

Welcome to my little blog. Years ago I came to know of a precious teen-aged Romanian boy, whose misfortune prevented his coming to America for schooling. So I went there to meet him, and his wonderful older brother. In 2007 I was blessed to spend six amazing months of adventure in the ancient land of Romania. I came back home to America, but planned to return as soon as I retired. In 2009, I found myself once again on Romanian soil, this time to live. I was to remain seven years.

Of course I missed my beloved America. I remembered well the beautiful land – my native Texas, New Mexico,  Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, the lakes, mountains, and the trees in the Fall.  I missed the familiar social atmosphere and the our rich culture. But this opportunity to come to intimately know another people, and learn their traditions and way of life was something not to be missed.

I spent those seven years in a small town in eastern Romania, very close to the border of Ukraine, and every day was a grand adventure. I taught conversational English there and my life was profoundly enriched by my colleagues and students. I never, ever got used to the wonder of waking up in my new homeland every day.  A major task was mastering the beautiful Romanian language. For me, who has advanced college education, the Romanian language was the most challenging subject I ever tackled. What a joy it was though, to go into a shop, and be able to order what I needed.

I am home now, but the memories are powerful and real. The boy grew up, and made his way in the world. And I returned home to be a grandmother to my son’s children…a new adventure!

Thank you for stopping by.
